
NNaPS requires a setup file or setup dictionary telling it what to do. The minimaly necessary setup includes a list of features and targets together with the path to the training data. Using the test data sample, the simplest model setup file in yaml format is the following:

datafile: '<path to data file>'
   - ...
   - ...
   - ...
datafile: path to the file containing the training data. This file is read with the pandas.read_csv() function, and should be structured in an appropriate way.
features: a list of the features to use when predicting a model. Think of these as the X parameter of your prediction function.
regressors: a list of the numerical targets for the model. These are the Y parameters of the prediction function. A regressor has to he a continuous numerical value. For a categorical numerical value use a classifier.
classifiers: a list of the categorical targets for the model. These are the Y parameters that are not numerical, or the not continuous.

The entire process of fitting the data and predicting the targets of new data can be as simple as:

from nnaps import predictors

predictor = predictors.BPS_predictor(setup_file='setup.yaml')


new_predictions = predictor.predict(new_data)

Let’s go over all steps in a bit more detail:

The data

Lets check the data. In this example we will use the test data provided in the test directory of the NNaPS package.

import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('tests/BesanconGalactic_summary.txt')










0 1 2 3 4

0.744 0.813 0.876 0.890 0.893

134.470005 225.000014 111.550009 512.700045 102.630007

1.095729 2.524845 2.190000 2.386059 1.485857

-0.912521 -0.806781 -0.918768 -0.878982 -0.731017

294.031588 153.634007 104.970587 394.729424 228.613065

0.608444 1.031585 0.912802 1.396449 0.640067


single-lined single-lined single-lined single-lined double-lined

The dataframe contains the features, which are all numerical continuous variables: M1, Pinit,qinit and FeHinit. And the 4 targets: Pfinal, qfinal, product and binary_type. The first two targets are also continuous numerical variables and are thus regressors. The last two targets are categorical variables, and are thus classifiers.

Based on this knownledge, we can make te following setup file:

datafile: 'tests/BesanconGalactic_summary.txt'
   - M1
   - qinit
   - Pinit
   - FeHinit
   - Pfinal
   - qfinal
   - product
   - binary_type

Setting up the model and training

Using the setup file a predictor can be constructed and fitted:

from nnaps import predictors

predictor = predictors.BPS_predictor(setup_file='test_setup.yaml')

Train on 1648 samples, validate on 412 samples
Epoch 1/100
 - 2s - loss: 696880.9575 - Pfinal_loss: 695673.0000 - qfinal_loss: 0.2186 - product_loss: 1.8115 - binary_type_loss: 0.6274 - Pfinal_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - Pfinal_mae: 607.1440 - qfinal_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - qfinal_mae: 0.3886 - product_accuracy: 0.1475 - product_mae: 0.2783 - binary_type_accuracy: 0.7737 - binary_type_mae: 0.4420 - val_loss: 808298.6068 - val_Pfinal_loss: 767784.4375 - val_qfinal_loss: 0.1991 - val_product_loss: 1.8002 - val_binary_type_loss: 0.6387 - val_Pfinal_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_Pfinal_mae: 603.3589 - val_qfinal_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_qfinal_mae: 0.3821 - val_product_accuracy: 0.1723 - val_product_mae: 0.2781 - val_binary_type_accuracy: 0.7621 - val_binary_type_mae: 0.4410
Epoch 2/100
 - 0s - loss: 696340.1365 - Pfinal_loss: 696977.0625 - qfinal_loss: 0.2867 - product_loss: 1.8291 - binary_type_loss: 0.5913 - Pfinal_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - Pfinal_mae: 606.6785 - qfinal_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - qfinal_mae: 0.4482 - product_accuracy: 0.1056 - product_mae: 0.2791 - binary_type_accuracy: 0.7779 - binary_type_mae: 0.4019 - val_loss: 807560.4800 - val_Pfinal_loss: 767050.8750 - val_qfinal_loss: 0.2407 - val_product_loss: 1.8078 - val_binary_type_loss: 0.6247 - val_Pfinal_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_Pfinal_mae: 602.7472 - val_qfinal_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_qfinal_mae: 0.4202 - val_product_accuracy: 0.0267 - val_product_mae: 0.2784 - val_binary_type_accuracy: 0.7621 - val_binary_type_mae: 0.3860
 Epoch 100/100
 - 0s - loss: 97412.9127 - Pfinal_loss: 96999.7812 - qfinal_loss: 0.0905 - product_loss: 1.1475 - binary_type_loss: 0.4588 - Pfinal_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - Pfinal_mae: 161.2016 - qfinal_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - qfinal_mae: 0.2201 - product_accuracy: 0.6383 - product_mae: 0.1970 - binary_type_accuracy: 0.8149 - binary_type_mae: 0.3309 - val_loss: 223666.4350 - val_Pfinal_loss: 184591.3125 - val_qfinal_loss: 0.0667 - val_product_loss: 1.1004 - val_binary_type_loss: 0.4510 - val_Pfinal_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_Pfinal_mae: 155.4490 - val_qfinal_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_qfinal_mae: 0.2007 - val_product_accuracy: 0.6893 - val_product_mae: 0.2050 - val_binary_type_accuracy: 0.8350 - val_binary_type_mae: 0.3043

This creates the predictor using a the ‘test_setup.yaml’ file, and then trains it on the provided data. The number of epochs is the number of iterations to be used in the gradient descent learning. After learning you can check the report if the model is good enough, or if more iterations are necessary.

Checking the learning progress

After training the predictor, you can check how well it managed to fit the training data. Before it started fitting, the predictor set part of the training data separate to test how well it’s predictions are. This is the validation set. By checking how well the predictor works for this data, you can get an idea of the expected error on new data.

You can save the training report to html file as follows:


Making predictions

When you are satisfied that your model is good enough, you can make predictions on new data.

Predicting new models is then as simple as providing a pandas DataFrame with the features (X parameters) of the new models you want to predict to the BPS_predictor. We can have the system predict the targets for the 100 - 110th training sample.

new_predictions = predictor.predict(data=data.iloc[100:110])






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1448.75939 771.150024 254.810944 455.564545 583.579712 150.147385 565.826782 1213.60022 2370.94384 337.348907

0.613978 0.432204 0.295612 0.348135 0.381909 0.267372 0.378209 0.551243 0.859896 0.316895


single-lined single-lined single-lined single-lined single-lined single-lined single-lined single-lined single-lined single-lined

new_predictions is a pandas dataframe with the predictions of the provided features.

Saving and loading

The trained model can be saved to hdf5 format and loaded again for later use:


Loading a saved models can be done in two ways:

# load into an existing predictor object

# or create a new predictor object from the saved model